From The Vault: New Media Notion: “Paid Per View” Instead of “Pay Per View” (1/9/14 PLUS $AMZN 2017 update!)
From January 9, 2014 (and then scroll below for updated 2017 $AMZN Amazon notes):
Imagine this.
Cable-slaved media content overcomes scroll-by scanning by paying you, the audience, (in credit/refunds/bcoin) to watch premiere/pilots.
You get reductions in your cable bill, credits/coupons or just plain Bit-KWAN.
Imagine overcoming the fatigue in cable content at least, (word inspired by SDK (“software development kit”) fatigue apparently confronting many developers/providers/vendors in App universe), by having content providers (TV production companies, cable/newspaper corporations) pay YOU to watch.
This could include: a premiere/pilot/part of a season/binge watch something you would overfly/scroll past normally.
Ala carte pays you for attention, and then if you like it, if it’s “The Wire” loyalty worthy, you pay up by watching it voluntarily, being part of a community, or even just trolling it as a critic-foil to the “fanboys” associated with a media product.
Pay-per-view takes on a whole NEW meaning.
As in you get PAID-PER-VIEW.
And now a 2017 UPDATE featuring Amazon which simultaneously blows me away but I am not surprised that it happened just that others didn’t.
From Quartz, is an interesting development about Amazon’s move into video AND MONETIZATION:
“a broad strategy with Amazon inviting some of its 2 million merchant partners to join the test program, where videos will be posted to the site in mid-December”
“It now has a way to offer customers discounts for watching ads. In October, Amazon was awarded a patent for “content-based price reductions and incentives.” The patent says that “customers in an electronic environment can be presented with the option to receive advertising, such as audio, video, or interactive content, in order to receive discounted pricing or similar benefits.”
Here is the OCTOBER 31, 2017 Patent.
This allows Amazon (and those allowed to do likewise) to recognize and reward shoppers for their online browsing time, just as “loss leader” items were sold in physical stores as part of rewarding physical shoppers’ time spent browsing. And the article points out this new patent happened just in time for the end of Amazon’s “one click” patent.
MY NOTES: LOOKS LIKE a “LinkedIn” job description of “Couch Potato” is not too far off.
More on The Big Stack: The Intersection Between History, Trends & Tech
Originally published at on November 18, 2017.